Sunday, June 27, 2010


For some reason, since I stopped my addiction to computer games, I've become addicted with bowling.. If last time, I'd play games to reduce my stress, now, it's bowling.. Through bowling, it allows me to concentrate fully on the game itself..

For starters, let me show u my bowling balls..

The red one is 12lbs, and for straight while the purple one is 13lbs and it's for hooks

It's only recently that I started playing hooks.. Before, it's always either straight or backup(reverse hook).. The holes for the hand placement are different.. So you can't do a good hook with a straight ball..

For the first time ever, my finger was bleeding.. I wasn't sure when exactly did it started bleeding.. But it should be after my 3rd game.. Imagine bowling with an injured thumb, and continued for the next 5 games..

This was when I realized my finger was bleeding..

After the 5th game..

After completing my 8th game..

After I cleaned all the powder and the dried blood off my hand..

Yeah.. It hurts.. But for some reason, when I bowl, I don't feel the pain at all.. It started hurting as I focused on the injury..

I guess what they say about the Law of Attraction is correct.. Be it out-of-the-blue, fell into place, serendipity, coincidence, synchronicity, luck, fate, meant to be, or even karma.. The law of attraction is actually at work..

It goes like this.. From words, thoughts are created, and from thoughts, comes vibration... The law of attraction checks out what vibration you are giving, either positive or negative.. Then it matches and GIVES BACK MORE OF THE SAME VIBRATION YOU'RE GIVING OUT.. If you give out negative vibration, it will give back negative feelings, and if you give out positive vibration, it will give back positive feelings..

Words -> Thoughts -> Vibration -> Result

Now.. What is a vibration? Vibration is taken from the word vibe is often used to describe a mood, or a feeling that you picked up from someone, or something.. So be careful when you're feeling down, you MIGHT be sending out negative vibes to everyone else..

What you experience, and how you react, will affect everything around you.. The law of attraction responds to how you feel about what you say, and how you feel about what you think..

The first step to improve yourselves is, to IDENTIFY what makes you feel good and do more of it.. Be clear of what you want.. Sounds easy right? The challenge is that most people are not good at knowing what they DO want, but they are good at identifying what they DON'T want.. Knowing what you don't want is actually good news.. You can observe contrast and identify it.. As you do that, you will become clearer of what you want..

So tell me.. What do YOU really WANT? And what have you DONE to acquire it?


Lobhie said...

i like wad u said on law of attraction :)